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Couchbase [ARCHIVED]

This page contains the setup guide and reference information for the Couchbase destination connector.


The Couchbase destination connector allows you to sync data to Couchbase, a distributed NoSQL database. Each stream is written to a collection in Couchbase, with support for both local clusters and Couchbase Capella (cloud service).

Output schema

Each stream will be output into a collection in Couchbase. The connector follows these rules for data mapping:

  • Each record is stored as a JSON document in Couchbase
  • Stream name is used as the collection name (sanitized to comply with Couchbase naming rules)
  • Each document contains:
    • id: A unique identifier (UUID or composite key for deduplication)
    • type: Set to "airbyte_record"
    • stream: The source stream name
    • data: The actual record data


Full Refresh SyncYes
Incremental - Append SyncYes
Incremental - Dedupe SyncYes

Performance considerations

  • The connector uses batch operations for better performance
  • Primary indexes are automatically created for each collection
  • For large datasets, consider using incremental sync modes
  • Adjust the batch size if needed (default: 1000 documents)

Getting started


For Local Cluster

  1. Couchbase Server 7.0 or later installed
  2. A bucket created in Couchbase
  3. Username and password with appropriate permissions:
    • Data Reader (data_reader)
    • Data Writer (data_writer)
    • Query Manager (query_manage_index)

For Capella (Cloud)

  1. A Couchbase Capella account
  2. Database access credentials:
    • Database username
    • Database password
  3. A bucket created in your Capella cluster
  4. Allow list the IP addresses that Airbyte will connect from

Setup guide

Local Cluster Setup

  1. Install Couchbase Server

  2. Create Resources

    • In the Couchbase Web Console, go to "Buckets" and click "Add Bucket"
    • Enter the bucket details:
      • Name: mybucket
      • Memory Quota: Set appropriate size (e.g. 100 MB)
      • Bucket Type: Couchbase
      • Click "Add Bucket" to create
  3. Configure in Airbyte

    • Connection String: Enter your Couchbase connection string (e.g. couchbase://localhost)
    • Username: Enter your database username (e.g. airbyte_user)
    • Password: Enter your database password (e.g. your_secure_password)
    • Bucket: Enter your bucket name (e.g. my_bucket)
    • Scope: Enter your scope name (defaults to _default)

Capella Setup

  1. Create Capella Resources

    • Log in to Couchbase Capella
    • Create a new database or use an existing one
    • Create a bucket for your data
  2. Create Database Credentials

    • In Capella, go to "Security → Database Access"
    • Click "Create Database Credential"
    • Save the username and password
  3. Allow List IP Addresses

  4. Get Connection Details

    • In Capella, go to "Connect"
    • Copy the connection string
  5. Configure in Airbyte

    • Connection String: Your Capella connection string
    • Username: Database username
    • Password: Database password
    • Bucket: Your bucket name
    • Scope: _default (or your custom scope)

Connection Configuration

Connection StringThe connection string to your Couchbase clustercouchbase://localhost or Capella connection string
UsernameDatabase username with required permissionsairbyte
PasswordDatabase passwordpassword
BucketThe name of the bucket to sync data tomybucket
ScopeThe scope within the bucket (optional, defaults to _default)_default


No configuration specification is available for this connector.


VersionDatePull RequestSubject
0.1.12025-03-0855354Update dependencies
0.1.02024-01-20#xxxxxInitial release of the Couchbase destination connector